Caring for a Small Breed Dog


Small breed dogs are popular pets for their small size and manageable personalities. They usually require less exercise than larger breeds, making them ideal for busy households, older pet owners and those living in smaller spaces. But despite their size, small breed dogs have specific needs that must be met to ensure that they stay healthy and happy.

Caring for a small breed dog requires a lot of dedication, but can bring a lifetime of joy. If you have recently become the proud owner of a small breed dog or are considering adding one to your family, it is important to understand how to properly care for them. 

With the right knowledge and care, your small breed pup can live a happy and healthy life. When it comes to nutrition, exercise and grooming, there are several key points to keep in mind. 

Provide Proper Nutrition

The first step to take in caring for your small breed dog is understanding its nutritional needs. Small breeds such as the Mini Foxy, Shih Tzu, and other toy breeds generally require smaller meals that are higher in protein than those of larger breeds. This helps support their energy levels since they burn more calories per pound than larger breeds. 

Look for a food specifically designed for small breeds with added vitamins and minerals that will help keep them healthy and energised. 

Talk to your veterinarian about what type of food would be best for your particular pup’s needs.

Avoid overfeeding as this can lead to weight gain, as well as other health concerns such as diabetes or liver disease. You should also make sure that your pup has access to fresh water at all times.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important for all dogs, no matter what size they are. Smaller breeds may not need long walks or runs on a daily basis, but they do benefit from regular activity such as playing fetch or going on short walks around the neighbourhood. 

Make sure you pay attention to their activity level so you can adjust their exercise routine accordingly. 

It is also important to note that different breeds may require different types of exercise. Certain breeds with shorter legs may have more sensitive backs and will require low-impact activities. 

Consult with your veterinarian or a professional trainer if you’re unsure what type of physical activity would be best for your pup.

Provide Mental Stimulation

In addition to physical exercise, it’s important to provide your pup with plenty of mental stimulation throughout the day in order to keep them engaged and entertained. 

This can include puzzle toys filled with treats, interactive toys such as Kongs stuffed with peanut butter or kibble, training sessions or even games such as hide-and-seek or tag with family members or other friendly pups in your neighbourhood. 

These types of activities are vital in preventing common behavioural issues in many small dog breeds


In addition to providing proper nutrition and exercise, establishing an appropriate grooming routine is essential when it comes to caring for a small breed dog. Luckily, smaller breeds are usually easier to groom – after all, there’s less area to cover compared to larger dogs. 

In general, you should brush your dog with a soft brush a couple of times a week in order to keep their coat healthy and free from mats or tangles. You should also use a damp cloth or pet wipes between baths (which should only occur every 4 to 6 weeks) in order to keep their skin clean without drying it out too much. 

Always use a dog-specific shampoo approved by your veterinarian, especially if your dog has any sort of skin issues. 

Another aspect of dog grooming that should be kept in mind is brushing your dog’s teeth. Because small breed dogs have smaller mouths and teeth, they are more prone to dental problems than larger dogs – try to brush your dog’s teeth every other day if possible, as getting professional teeth cleaning involves anaesthesia and is considered a major operation. 

Veterinary Care

As with any pet, regular veterinary checkups are essential in order to detect any underlying medical issues at an early stage before they become more serious. 

Catching any problems early makes treatment much less stressful on your dog, as well as helps you avoid expensive medical procedures. 

It’s also important that you adhere strictly to any vaccine schedules provided by your vet in order to protect against common illnesses such as distemper or parvovirus, which can be deadly if contracted by an unvaccinated pup, even if it appears otherwise healthy at first glance. 


Finally, socialising your small breed dog is an important part of helping them become well-rounded adult dogs who are comfortable around people, other animals, and new environments as they grow up. 

Too often small breed dogs are treated as toys, with little regard for the fact that they are animals who need to learn how to interact with the world around them. Start early by introducing them slowly but positively to situations, environments and experiences that they will encounter on a daily basis. 

Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or verbal praise when they display good behaviour around strangers or other pets until they become comfortable enough on their own. Do this until they are calm and comfortable, though you should watch out for any signs of aggression or possessive behaviour that should be addressed early on. 

These tips should help provide you with the basics on how to care for your small breed dog properly so they can lead a long, happy life filled with love. 

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